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~Weave the Web~

The web that has no weaver,

weave your creation in my heart

and from that center of consciousness

experience the kingdom,
the queendom
of art!
Pulling from the contrast
of light and dark,

into a spiral that breathes through me

and into you and back out

and what for?...
to Re-Member who we are.

ONE and all together a part.
One giant web of creation.
You are the art!
Listen in the silence,
hear the beat of your heart.


~Hailey Dawn Armstrong



My Child,
I caress your skin as you swim through my waters,

And as you sleep, I hold you in my womb.
I watch you from the stars that twinkle above.

My moon, your night light!

I await you each morning
As I warm you with the arms of my sun!

When you run along the beach

I feel your feet pitter patter...

Like a baby kicking from within.

I am your mother and with the wind,
I blow through the branches of your thoughts

I carry your worries away.

The food you eat is me.
With each bite, I feel Your pleasure

And delight in each cell Being nourished.

I am absorbed into you. It is I who give you life!

The earth becomes your Bones and blood and brain.

A home for me to more fully Experience the creation

Your eyes are mirrors Of my heart.

Those who feel and Remember me,


They know We are never apart.

They live in the Beat of My Heart!

Your Mother Earth


-Hailey Dawn Armstrong


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