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Mother Of Nature
  • ISBN-10: 1500855162

  • ISBN-13: 978-1500855161


Mother of Nature is a compilation of the impact that the great outdoors have had upon the mind, body and heart of Hailey Dawn Armstrong. She has captured the essence of mothers' nature in a unique and beautiful way, giving voice to elements and resources that are part of our daily lives. Hailey's hope is that as you hear these words you are inspired to venture into nature and discover more of your own.

Lost & Found
  • ISBN-10: 1500861561
  • ISBN-13: 978-1500861568

Hailey's journey of the soul inside and out has taken her down uncharted paths and into lands she never could have imagined. In getting lost she has discovered the greatest treasures lying within her own heart. The gem being her purpose which no family, religion, society or school could have given her. She writes from a place that invites all to venture into the depths of ones being to access ones full potential and come to truly know the innate intelligence residing within the heart.

Let's Dance


  • ISBN-10: 1500879525

  • ISBN-13: 978-1500879525


Let's Dance is a journey through the playground of love. We travel between the poles of light and dark, feminine and masculine, bliss and pain. And in letting go and allowing love to flow through unknown lands are discovered. As the distinction between the lover, loving the beloved dissolve. It's into this place Hailey Dawn Armstrong invites you with her words to explore the heights and depths of love untouched and sit and breathe in that space between the idea of duality and experience your oneness with love.

 A Taste of Creation

       * ISBN-13: 978-1502448828  
       * ISBN-10: 1502448823


Hailey Dawn Armstrong has selected her favorite poems from her three previous books and created a wave that will breath through your breath and carry you upon its wings of creation! Let go ride the spiral, feel the flow.


 Awakening: Rise & Shine


 * ISBN-13: 978-1502486684 
 * ISBN-10: 1502486687 


Hailey Dawn Armstrong shares the stirring truths of her heart evoking inspiration and insights from nature extending to the power and mystery of the cosmos. 


We get to explore the dynamics of relationship and feel the importance of honoring and expressing our emotions giving our hearts voice so we can sing our song. The Yin and Yang of life provide an alchemical dance, a play ground to remember who we are. 



  *ISBN-13: 978-1502894670 
  *ISBN-10: 150289467X 


“I AM EARTH”, is a magical journey with a unique dialogue between a little girl and a mother nature. As she ventures through the pages with some curiosity and insights she discovers that mother nature has answers for her. 
“I AM EARTH”, presents engaging lessons through science, chemistry, physics, and nutrition that uncover the truth and facts about how we have more in common with Mother Earth than we might think. 
It comes with interactive yoga poses and affirmations accompanied with each element to integrate the qualities of nature and stimulate the body, mind and as well as the hearts of those who venture.  
“I AM EARTH”, is one of a kind journey where a child gains greater awareness and appreciation for the Earth we live upon while coming to hear the voice of her own heart and connect to her inner wisdom.  
Enjoy the Journey~~~



  *ISBN-13: 978-1502901057 
  *ISBN-10: 1502901056


"Contrast", is a dream the Child has while asleep in the grove after hearing mother earths voice in " I Am Earth", Part I of the five part series.

The Child dreams of seven paired travelers who emerge from the forest and circle around her in a great meeting. The animals of all varieties come to journey together at different conscious levels. They slip through a magic passage into the land of Contrast. Where they dance between the elements in love and fear beginning with water and moving onto, wood, fire, earth and finishing with metal.

This journey is an interactive and mind enriching adventure where we will learn about the connections between the macrocosms of our universe into the microcosms of our chemistry and emotions, the great pattern of nature being the connecting factor.

As the travelers transform they learn how to find their center as they dance between love and fear and realize their hearts desire. They learn to work as a team and utilize each other's gifts to transcend their fears.

Contrast will take you on a journey into a place that Rumi speaks of the space between right and wrong.
Come, let's venture into the inner workings of our nature!~~~

 The Essence of Love


  *ISBN-13: 978-1505428315 
  *ISBN-10: 1505428319 



Hailey Dawn Armstrong takes you into the inner chamber of her heart as we explore the 'Essence of Love' and taste of the nectar of creation. We feel the power that undoes the mind and reminds the heart to its true nature, a home. 
In surrendering to the Power of Love a thread weaves the lost parts of the Soul back together. A true Union, a Wholeness from the Inside Out. In and out thats' what we are all about. Up and Down, round and round we go. Can you hear the heart beat of the sound? Let go, Ride the Spiral, Feel the Flow. As we dance between Eternity and Now we go. 

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